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Our Governing Body

St Dunstan’s Educational Foundation is an unincorporated charity which is managed and controlled by a sole corporate trustee, St Dunstan’s Trustee Limited (the Governing Body). This company has 17 Directors, who serve as Governors to the charitable bodies they oversee, which includes both St Dunstan’s Educational Foundation and Thurlow Educational Trust Ltd

(Charity overview, THURLOW EDUCATIONAL TRUST - 268482, Register of Charities - The Charity Commission).

The Directors have a statutory role to ensure the charities fulfil their charitable objects. For St Dunstan’s Educational Foundation, this is ‘the provision and conduct in or near Lewisham of a day or day and boarding school for boys and girls’. In ensuring the fulfilment of this object, the Directors agree the vision for the charity and set strategic objectives and targets for the St Dunstan’s Executive Team (DET) to fulfil

(Our Strategy - St Dunstan's College (

Directors are jointly and severally responsible for the custodianship of the charities and in so doing ensure compliance, approve policies, monitor and review key performance indicators for the Executive. The Governing Body delegates more detailed scrutiny to a number of sub-committees, including Education, Finance and Resources, and Leadership and Governance.

There are 17 Directors in total. Two are ex officio: The Alderman of the Ward of Tower in the City of London and the incumbent priest of All Hallows by the Tower. Four of the Governors are also Directors of Thurlow Educational Trust Ltd. The remaining 11 are selected on the basis of their skills and experience following the regular review of the constitution of the Board and the needs of the charities.

Two of the Governors are also non-executive Directors of the trading subsidiary to St Dunstan’s Educational Foundation, College Hire Ltd.

Governors are ordinarily drawn from the alumni and parent bodies of the organisations they serve. The Governors are ever-mindful of their commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, and their statement pertaining to this can be found HERE.

The Governing Body is broadly based and consists of a number of Dunstonians along with parents of former and current pupils and professionals from across a range of Sectors. A regular audit of the Governing Body ensures the range of professional expertise required to best offer challenge and support to its Executive. Governors normally serve two five-year terms.

The Chair and other Governors may be contacted through the Clerk to the Governors, Mr David Richards:

Our Governing Body

Mr Paul Durgan BA, FCA, Chair -

Mr Jonathan Ronan - Safeguarding Link Governor -

Dr Yvonne Burne JP, OBE

Dr Andrew Cairns  MRSC MIMMM

Mr Nicholas Lyons MA – Ex-officio governor, Alderman of Tower Ward

Mr David Probert BA Hons, MBA

Mr Shams Rahman BA, LLB, LLM

Mr Tom Shave

Mr Navdeep Sheera MA, MBA

Prof. Mieke Van Hemelrijck

Mr Rishi Boyjoonauth
Mr Ed Enzor