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Our Leadership Team

The St Dunstan's Executive Team (DET) are responsible for the day to day running of the St Dunstan's College and the Educational Foundation. They do this by helping to formulate a series of strategic priorities and implementing an annual development plan that is articulated to all parents, pupils and staff.  

There are regular opportunities for parents and carers to feed-in to the development planning process in the College.


Mr Nick Hewlett BSc, Head 










Miss Laura Whitwood BA Hons, MEd, Head of Junior School









Ms Jade McLellan MA (Oxon), MSc, Head of Senior School










Ms Saffron Hutt, Chief Operating Officer 










Ms Hannah Fox, Chief Finance Officer 


Ms Michelle Punt, Chief People Officer 












Mr Graeme McCafferty, NPQH, MCCT, Head of Rosemead Preparatory School and Nursery