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St Dunstan’s College is a fee-paying school. Fees cover the cost of normal tuition as well as lunches, most books and stationery. Other costs for voluntary items, for example individual music tuition, will be additional. Fees for the year ahead are confirmed each year at the end of the Lent term (before Easter).

Tuition fees for the academic year 2024 - 2025:

Section/Year Termly Fees Consolidated Annual Fee


Reception, Years 1 & 2 

Year 3







Years 4 &5 £6,470 £19,410
Year 6 £7,127 £21,381

Senior School Years 7 - 13

£7,533 £22,599

The preferred method of payment is by direct debit from a UK bank account. This is a simple and convenient way of paying school fees. There is no charge for paying fees by direct debit. Fees may also be paid termly by electronic transfer to the College bank account, or by card, please call the Finance Office on 020 8516 7277

Fees may be paid by lump sum, normally for a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 7. A discount is allowed in exchange for the lump sum payment. Each case is calculated individually; for a personal quote, please write to our Finance Department on