Occasional Places
Occasionally places do become available at St Dunstan's College outside of the standard points of entry.
If you would like to enquire about the availability of spaces in both the junior and senior school please complete an enquiry via the link below.
Registration for Admission
Students who wish to enter the College outside of the standard entry points are assessed on the basis of Entrance Assessments, a School Reference from your child’s current Headteacher, and, in the Senior School only, an interview. Please contact the Admission team for more information regarding the nature of such assessments.
All students interested in attending St Dunstan’s College must be formally registered by completing an online registration form and making payment of the non-refundable registration fee. No registrations will be accepted without full payment of the registration fee unless some exceptional arrangements have been agreed. All admissions are handled by the Admissions Office which is responsible for maintaining the register of pupils admitted to the College. Submission of the online form is considered as acceptance of the parent declaration and GDPR information.
Please note bursaries and scholarships are not available at other points of entry.